Establishment purpose
The establishment purpose of ABT is to construct an agricultural financial system, to provide guidance and assistance to the development of the credit department of the Agriculture and the Fishery associations, and to deal with financing of agriculture, forestry, fishery, and livestock husbandry, in order to stabilize agricultural finance, and promote agricultural economic development.

Our organizational system includes the board of directors, the board of supervisors, the head office and business units. The board of directors has 15 directors and 5 executive directors has been elected among them, of whom 1 is the chairman. The board of supervisors consists of 5 supervisors, of whom 1 is the chairman.
Auditing Office and Risk Management Office are subordinated to the board of directors. The head office has 1 President, 1 to 3 Executive Vice President and 1 Chief Compliance Officer.
There are 11 units established such as the Legal Affairs and Legal Compliance Office, Department of Finance, Department of Trusts, Development of Business Management, Department of Credit Management, Department of Specialized Financing, Department of General Affairs Management, Department of Information Management, the Risk Management Office, the Accounting Office, and Department of International Banking. There are 7 domestic branches including Department of Business, Taichung Branch, Kaohsiung Branch, Hsinchu Branch, Chiayi Branch, Tainan Branch and Taoyuan Branch.